Monday, January 24

Twenty-ten....or make that eleven....

No semblance of wittiness or deep-thinking, here. I've been challenged to memorize a scripture...not sure which one, yet. I think I will pray about it and I'm sure it will make it's way to my face, sooner or later. and yes, scripture_ was singular.

I am going to finish "Captured By Grace" by Dr. David Jeremiah. (the free book I received from that Christian website) and then proceed to write a review about it so I can get another book!

Get healthy. AKA: RUN, girl. (running partner, anyone.)

Find a good devotional book. (am taking suggestions...)

B L O G.

I am not a Christian by chance, He chose me.  


  1. Kylie - I worked through a few devotional books by Kay Arthur while I was at Liberty - I loved them! Would recommend any of hers! :) She has a good variety, I'm sure you could find something you are looking for!

  2. Happened upon your site. Have you considered "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers? It's a classic which has really blessed me over the years. There's been times I've felt compelled to lay it aside for several years. Somehow I always return to it, however, and find it meaningful and new again. It's undoubtedly one of my favorite books, after the Bible.
