Monday, August 16

*Prayer Journal*

*A huge form of encouragement for me the past couple weeks has been the gift of a prayer journal- given by a very special person. There is nothing more enticing than the thought of sitting down and opening up my little sparklingcute, brand-new book- just for me! (smells delectable too!) Brand new pages just waiting to be filled with articulate, or rather crazen random thoughts... a prized possession to keep with me at all times...just the knowledge that it's there...just in case...profound things do occur or a pick-me-up is needed...sigh...simply wonderful. thank you, thank you laurafriend. you have blessed my life sovery such a tiny time. loveyou lgw*.

1 comment:

  1. It's my joy, Ky! Just paying it forward, so to speak, what was done for me. Can't wait for December/January- we can sit and compare notes!
