Wednesday, January 26

whip it out, wednesday.

*Will be up early morning tomorrow BUT I am feeling inspired to post something right now. I'm actually getting back into the book I was reading, Captured by Grace, by Dr. David Jeremiah.... Within the book it holds St. Augustine's words:

"God always pours His grace into empty hands."

*Think about that.
~What do I have to offer? 

Yet God pours His grace, love and mercy on me....daily.
A good thought to sleep on. 

Monday, January 24

Twenty-ten....or make that eleven....

No semblance of wittiness or deep-thinking, here. I've been challenged to memorize a scripture...not sure which one, yet. I think I will pray about it and I'm sure it will make it's way to my face, sooner or later. and yes, scripture_ was singular.

I am going to finish "Captured By Grace" by Dr. David Jeremiah. (the free book I received from that Christian website) and then proceed to write a review about it so I can get another book!

Get healthy. AKA: RUN, girl. (running partner, anyone.)

Find a good devotional book. (am taking suggestions...)

B L O G.

I am not a Christian by chance, He chose me.  

Thursday, October 14

"Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said- "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord" --and you forgave the guilt of my sin." Psalm 32:5

It's been a while....but the Lord is faithful....He is rejoicing that I'm back! ...It's so easy to get sidetracked and to keep putting things off, but the Lord says to confess and we're forgiven. He makes it that "easy", I think,  because He knows that we're going to continue to fail. I struggle with it, still! As simple as it is.
Guilt is a powerful thing but God is there to help me deal with it.  Amen!